Sandwiches for Kids

All kids love sandwiches. Here’s how you make the ones they will love and ask for all the time.

Kids are drawn to sandwiches like bees to nectar. The more cheese and ketchup they contain, the more kids love them. But it is not healthy, even for kids, to eat sugary, cheesy treats every single day. Instead of giving in to their demands for pizzas and hamburgers every day, why not make fun sandwiches for them to enjoy?

Egg sandwich: This is the most basic of all sandwiches. Make an omelette and layer brown bread slices with margarine instead of butter. Add a little ketchup and mustard in the sandwich and watch your kids wolf them down!

Sandwiches for Kids

Salami sandwich: Fry salami slices in very little oil, and place them in brown bread slices slathered with cheese spread. For a fun twist, add some boiled egg cut into little pieces.

Salad sandwich: Mix fresh garden salad with a dollop of mayonnaise or Thousand Island dressing and layer it on bread slices. To enhance taste, grill the bread slices.

Tomato and potato sandwich: Boil two medium sized potatoes till soft. Thinly slice potatoes and a large tomato, place the slices on a brown bread slice. Sprinkle salt and pepper over it, as also a little mustard sauce. Cover with another slice.

Grilled vegetable sandwich: This one is a sure hit with kids because it is so tasty. Chop tomatoes, capsicum, potato and onion as needed, and mix together with salt and pepper. Grate cheese over it and microwave the vegetables for 1 minute. Remove from oven, place between two slices of buttered brown bread, and grill to required crispness. Grate some cheese over the hot sandwich and serve.

Cheese sandwich: Every child loves cheese, and cheese sandwiches are no exception. Simply slap a slice of cheese over bread and serve, or grill it before you serve to melt the cheese and provide gooey goodness.

Open egg sandwich: This one is fun to eat and attractive to look at. Hard boil an egg and slice thinly. Place a slice of ham on bread and add a layer of egg salad over it. Over this, layer the egg slices and arrange finely chopped lettuce, capsicum, tomato and carrot to create a riot of colour and flavour. Season with mustard and tomato ketchup and serve.

Turkey sandwich: Slather cheese spread on a whole wheat bread slice, and layer roasted turkey, sliced tomato and cucumber, and very fine pieces of raw mango. Add a layer of cheese to cut the sour taste if you child is not fond of sour food.

Chicken burger: Lightly fry shredded boiled chicken and chopped tomato slices on a low flame for two minutes. Layer this on a hamburger bun and drizzle mustard and mint sauce over it. Sprinkle a little salt and pepper.

Sweet and sour sandwich: Chop up grapes and pineapples and add to a slice of bread. Over this, add pieces of lamb or chicken and sprinkle salt and pepper over it.